Trust Grade Doctors




Trust grade doctors are employed directly through the Trust rather than through Health Education England. These positions are for doctors that are not currently part of a training program – this may be for a number of reasons:

  • Overseas doctors that would like NHS experience
  • Doctors who are taking a break from a training program
  • To consolidate clinical knowledge and broaden experience to better understand what direction they’d like their career to take.

Trust grade doctors may be able to keep a portfolio in the same way as doctors in a training program – this is subject to your clinical supervisors approval. Portfolios enable you to evidence of competencies that have been developed – this is an excellent way of providing evidence when applying for training posts or returning to your homeland if from overseas.

When compared to Training Post positions, Trust Grade doctors also receive the same:

  • Study leave
  • Teaching
  • Salary
  • Supervision and access to support.

Relocating from overseas?

We understand that settling in a new location can be daunting, especially if relocating from overseas. However we try to make this process as smooth as possible and are happy to provide help and information on:

  • Accommodation
  • Transport
  • Education
  • Places of Worship
  • Leisure Activities

For a full guide on the requirements needed to work as a doctor in the UK, please click here.

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