Starting Your Career




Are you looking to become a doctor or have you already trained overseas?

This page provides an overview of the entry requirements, the length of training and links to further reading.

All doctors require a medical degree (UK or comparable international qualification) in order to practice in the UK. Most medical degrees are 5 years in length with the option to study an additional intercalated year.

Medical School

All doctors require a medical degree in order to practice in the UK. Most medical degrees are 5 years in length with the option to study an additional intercalated year. The option of an additional foundation year may be available for people who have not studied sufficient science of for those who come from a disadvantaged background. A medical degree combines medical theory with a practical understanding through clinical placements.

As a trust we work directly with Hull York Medical School (HYMS), further details can be found in the Useful links section below.

Foundation School

After medical school you’ll apply to join a 2 year foundation programme and will need to register with the General Medical Council (GMC). As a junior doctor you’ll be paid a salary during your foundation years.

During this time you’ll rotate around different medical specialties possibly in different hospitals. Towards the end of your foundation programme you will have experienced a variety of specialties and will start to develop an area of interest which you may like to pursue.

Core Training and Specialty Training

Doctors have the option of taking up a Core Training (CT) post which offers doctors training without the doctor having to commit to a specific specialty or long run through Specialty Registrar training programme.  After the doctor has completed year 2 (3 for Psychiatry and Emergency Medicine) they then enter open competition for specialty specific StR 3 (4 for Psychiatry and Emergency Medicine) posts in order to continue their career.

Upon successful completion of the foundation programme you’ll be able to continue training as a specialty doctor in your chosen specialty or General Practice (GP) training.

General practice training lasts 3 years, whereas other Specialty Training (ST) programmes can last between 5-8 years.

Becoming a consultant

Upon successful completion of a specialty training programme you’ll be eligible for a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and specialist registration with the GMC.  As a holder of specialist registration you’ll be eligible for appointment to a Consultant post and lead a team of doctors within your specialty.

Further Information Links:

NHS Health Careers –

Hull York Medical Scholl (HYMS) –

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